Christ known in the gathering of the Saints...

The following is a typical Sunday service order at Community Gospel. Our services generally last roughly 90 minutes.

To prepare for worship in song feel free to check out our weekly playlist that is updated each week here

or our entire catalog of music that we sing here

Attire at Community Gospel is under the discretion of the individual. 

  • Call To Worship

    A well thought out song of exhortation pulled from and rooted in Scripture that helps to center people’s hearts on worshiping Christ alone.

  • Greeting & "Family Time"

    Passing the PeaceChristian worship is filled with profound actions: heads bowed in prayer, arms raised in praise, standing in reverence during a Scripture reading, coming forward to give an offering. One ancient and significant gesture in worship is the passing of the peace. Passing the peace is a tradition rooted in Scripture that embodies our identity as peacemakers (Matthew 5:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:20) and trains ours hearts, hands, and tongues in the ways of peace.

    Announcements - A few key things we highlight to help others know how they can make Christ known near and far.

    Tithes & Offerings - This is an offering that goes to making Christ known near and far. A tithe is a specific amount (example: 10% of your income) that you give first, and an offering is anything extra that you give beyond that. Tithes and offerings are not required at Community Gospel but encouraged as giving is an act of worship unto the Lord. All monetary gifts go to making Christ known near and far.

  • Time of Confession

    A time of song as a way to incite us to lift up our hearts to God a good and fitting dimension of who we are as sinners and what we do in worshiping the One who is completely holy and righteous. 

  • Reading the Word

    God tells us his will for our lives in His Word, the Bible - the commands of Scripture. God’s Word tells us clearly how we are to live and what God expects of us. It also reveals God’s holiness as well as our sinfulness.

  • Praying the Word

    The public and intentional prayer led by the pastor-teacher in effort to praise our Trinitarian God, intercede for the church’s sin, and a public petition for the church’s immediate needs.

  • Preaching of the Word

    Community Gospel at its core is a Bible preaching and teaching church. We as a body put great emphasis on the Word of God. By extension, preaching is also highly valued. The Word of God (66 books) guide all pastoral sermons. Every week Scripture is explained, illustrated, and applied exegetically for all age groups. Community Gospel preaches chapter by chapter, verse by verse through both the Old and New Testament texts.

  • Songs of Commitment and Response

    After hearing God’s grace proclaimed in the Scripture, we respond in gratitude. This gratitude is often expressed in song.

  • The Sending

    NextSteps - Opportunity to receive Christ as Savior and ways congregation can receive prayer.

    BenedictionA blessing in the name of Christ, given to the worshipers as they go forth to live out a life of service.