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Prayer Resources
Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship
Every Christian knows the importance of a daily quiet time with the Lord. But anyone who’s been a believer long enough has likely experienced seasons that feel more mundane or routine, leading to aimlessly skimming a couple of Bible verses or praying the same prayer over and over. In Be Thou My Vision, Jonathan Gibson has created a 31-day liturgical guide designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families. Each daily reading includes a call to worship, adoration, confession, assurance, creed and catechism, the Gloria Patri, a prayer of illumination, Bible reading, intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer. Designed to be read in 15–20 minutes a day, this beautifully produced liturgy will give readers focus and purpose to their daily quiet time while teaching them historical prayers, creeds, and catechisms that point them to Christ.
Prayers Of a Parent of Young Children
Short, poetic prayers bring petitions to the Lord who knows and loves our children perfectly. Covering their spiritual health, physical needs, and character growth, the prayers are accompanied by brief reflections from Kathleen as well as Scripture passages for meditation. This volume offers prayers for young children through to their preteen years. Other books in the series provide prayers for teenage, young adult, and adult years.
Pray for your teen using short, poetic prayers that address their spiritual health, physical needs, and character growth. The prayers are accompanied by brief reflections and Scripture passages for meditation.